تعليم الأطفال وتعليم الناس. الحالة في الحياة ، وحياتنا اليوم ، وهذا هو ثمرة التعليم الذي نتلقاه من الآباء عندما كنا أطفالاChildren's education and teaching people. The situation in life, and our lives today, and this is the result of education that we receive from parents when we were children.( Ki Hajar Dewantara 1889 – 1959 )
National Education Day celebration which is celebrated every year on May 2 each year, making us remember the past struggles in the early years before, when our nation is to escape the shackles of colonialism. Where is the suffering and ignorance lashed in each of the colonized people's lives under the authority of other nations.
Taman Siswa birth momentum established by Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat (1889 - 1959) or better known by the name of Ki Hajar Dewantara education to uplift and enlighten the people to escape the shackles of ignorance due to be colonized.
History is always noted, the rise of a nation is always marked by the birth of an educated society. Like the rise of Germany and Japan after World War II, with many young men who learned to study in other countries to rise from the slump caused by war that destroys the joints of life.
The Importance of Early Child Education Age
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